Time Est: 1h

Calice ! It may be a swear word in my native tongue but I promise you this game is much more than that haha ! The name of the game is literally just the word card and alice merged together. Yet it is super subtle and cute.

The game is a card game rogue like where you “fuse” playing cards (1-10 + jokers) with “action cards”. The cards have certain effects, like: damaging the enemies, giving you shield or even burning them ! The value of the playing card you merge is very often important. For example, one card doubles the number you give it to deal that damage to the enemy.

I have tested a lot of card rogue likes in the past months and lot of them have a unique twist, Calice is no exception. With it’s bright colors and very cute hand drawn sprites we definitely feel immersed in the world of Alice in wonderland.

Of course there are couple of negative points to the game as nothing can be perfect. I sometime got lost in the UI skipping Items and buffs because i thought i had clicked on them… Which is a bit frustrating. I also think that some animations could deserve to be more fluid. The game being as cute and well drawn I think some of the actions would deserve to be a bit more extravagant.

I had a lot of fun playing the demo. I think it was the perfect length. Just long enough for me to grasp the concept and get a decent build running. If I have one advice for y’all. BUY THE BOMB ITS BROKEN.